
Yes Pfizer is dangerous

Yes, Pfizer is dangerous.

In this rant I am not talking about the mRNA Substance or vaccines, but I could as the technology is not a vaccine. But it triggers people to scream anti vaxxer,


No, we are going to exclude all vaccines and focus on the other scandals. Rather we are going to talk about what actually is dangerous besides the medicine.


Pfizer in particular is mentioned here, but actually it's just a stand in Brand for the entire mafia cartel apparatus. One that is being subsidized via private public cartells such as the UNs WHO country members.


In 2009 Pfizer was sued for liability of falsely marketing four of its drugs, one of the drugs was The painkiller Bextra.

A $2.3 Billion dollar lawsuit it lost, kinda proves the issues at hand.

This is one part of the scheme that you need to understand.

Marketing might sound like a bureaucratic situation and has no negative effects on you as a consumer. But it does.

If you believe you are consuming a product that will act and behave like a certain known product, but it doesn't you just got scammed. If it is claiming to do A but does B, well thats a serious health problem. Further you were set up to participate in an experimental roll out, if the studies were fudged or fraudilant.


As an investor you were just as scammed, as you invested into a falsely marketed product with hidden consequences that in the end can cost not just your pension fund but also your credibility if you were, lets say, a hedge fund.

There are hundreds of these cases that are not being reported like they need to be. It is not reaching the consumer. 

In 1985 the FDA rules on advertising were quietly changed, the only need was a short brief list of the side effects.. But the door was opened rather far in 1997, regarding limitations on marketing. No longer was it necessary to list side effects but merely a mechanism that consumers can follow to find out more.

Direct marketing to consumer skips the medical professionals which had better understanding of the ingredients or studies on these medications,

Furthermore the pharmaceutical industry has piggybanked off of the doctors themselves, providing financial incentives for the prescription of their drug.



Furthermore legislation was brought into place enabling companies like Pfizer to determine medical practices in healthcare. . Fentymol perscriütion in Medicare Part D,is the best modern example.


Without legislation in place to monitor and safeguard the public, we can clearly see its effects on us today.


The momentary installed Biden Harrison administration, want to re-catagorise Fentanyl as a schedule 1 drug.

Another such case was Contergan  1957 , which effected tausend of lives and up until today injured individuals have to fight to get compensation.


Pfizer was also caught manipulating studies in 2008.

The epilepsy drug Neurontin. Pfizer delayed studies showing the negative effects, spinning the negative outcomes to dress up as positive, combining negative and positive studies to muddy the results in their favour.


Much like a whistleblower just recently attest too again in this current fear porn time,

We can't overlook the scandals surrounding the institutions that mandated and fear mongered the public in the effort to push medication onto its citizens for the gain of profit for these companies. Resulting in an insider job, as the individuals of these institutions profited themselves of of this marketing concept.


Now today, Pfizer seeks the ability to overall skip any safety regulations, stating future crises that need a rapid response.


Not only were crises up until today based on modulating that turned out to be grossly overstated, but the crisis definitions have been updated to enable an emergency response.


Pared with the revolving door agreements, which benefits the corruption, is reason enough to label Pfizer as dangerous.


But as the „pandemic“ of 2020 has proven, not only are the financial initiatives from these companies a danger but also the bureaucrats sitting in our parliaments.


Both the private part ( Pfizer and the public part ( WHO aka our governments) play semantic games, when it comes to combating the exposure their actions have generated.


Frequent changing of words does not change the definition of the act.

Labelling someone or an article with opinion fact checks also does not prove the claims false when you try to defer from the word to distract the attention of the public.


The danger is medicine based but the far greater danger is the manipulation and expelling of safety guards. The audacity to even go so far and ask, almost demand, that future safeguard methods are abolished.


Financing the institutions like WHO but also the news agencies is corrupt, acting like a cartel even, it is much more than unethical it evens begs the term eugenics health care,


Using words that tried to disguise the actions, is a form of gaslighting. Using activism it is a form of facism in the original term coined by mussolini.

That dog whistle techniques have been deployed that try to frame the critics, like words such as: conspiracy theorist , anti vaxxer labels for critics of the mRNA substance with a technology that is NOT a vaccine, fact check labels that distort by relavating a small part of a claim yet admitting by downplaying the actual criticism. Or even the term nazi or murderer to shut down a conversation.


Partnering with the government, maybe even in some cases extracting compliance through shady contracts, holding entire countries hostage, they force regulations to further manipulate the public. Best recent example is the use of the government to enforce so called fake or disinformation policies upon social media platforms, to censure the critics. Spreading to banks that will furthermore be used as an almost weapon against inquirers or even protestors.


Disappearing articles from search machines is also a new tool weaponized against informed consent. In its modern setting it does not strike as a part of Hitlers ideology, but pulls back the curtain and it is doing the same damage. Plus it is using the same vehicle of health safety scare techniques.


Classic fascism.

In the background of all this, a new compliance tool is being created. The health pass, or global citizens ID. Which will automatically segregate and punish critics. A tool that can expand to any crisis or ideology and be used by any corporation to do their bidding.


To say Pfizer is dangerous is actually an understatement.

The much greater danger comes from further up the chain though.

The actions of Pfizer are being directed by financial incentives dulled out by governmental entities that receive their funding from central banks. The corporations enacting the coercion are being directed by financial incentives of large investment agencies that have their own agendas.


The definition in our modern sense is private public relationships. Just another disguisement word for facism.


It's a mess, and we are just a product in the eyes of these entities. Health and life is just the marketing vehicle of that ideology. It drives the control grid and the compliance of the herd.


Humanity is at a crossroad, it can let itself be managed and herded by these institutions. Or it can finally grow up and take the responsibility into its own hands.

So yes, Pfizer is dangerous, but the entire bureaucratic state has enabled them.